The Finest Natural Grooming Products Available!
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Customer Testimonials
"I have been a groomer since 1978 and have never had as much satisfaction with a product as I have with EZ Groom Shampoos. Crystal White was the first shampoo that I used. This shampoo has no bleach; it is all natural and enzymatic. If you use this product your whites will turn white again. Structure is and outstanding texturizing Shampoo. I show Toy Poodles and have had problems with their coats being too soft. This shampoo adds unbelievable texture to the coat. I then tried Special Edition. This Shampoo although a conditioner shampoo does soften the coat and relieves that winter itch that so many dogs get this time of year. What to do with those overdue dogs that are too tangled. No need to brush out. Just add a few drops of The Answer to the shampoo and fluff as usual. Seriously folks since we have been using The Answer in our show we have not had to do any pre brushing. My favorite shampoo is the Oatmeal. I have used every oatmeal shampoo on the market and this on the money. It is by far the best shampoo on the market. Thank EZ Groom for your fantastic products."
Annie Saunier
Annie's Groomin Tail, Inc.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
"I found out about you from a lady with a stunningly white Cocker Spaniel at the dog show."
Joyce Weichal
Fair Oaks, California
"I love the Blow Dry Conditioning Spray!"
Chris Holland
The Groom Room
South Yarmouth, Massachusetts
"Just a quick note to tell you "thank you"! It arrived in excellent order. We took a 4 point major last weekend at the dog show so your shampoo is doing its job!!!!"
Thanks Again,
Jamie McGowan
"Patty Patzman introduced me to your wonderful products about 2 years ago. My favorite is the blow dry conditioner which cut drying time on my Standard Continental by about 45 minutes! It also doubles as a detangler. I used it on the rear legs of a slightly matted Bichon with 3" of coat. They brushed easier, faster and there was no brush burns on the skin. The front legs (done first without Blow Dry Conditioner) took longer to brush out, was more difficult and ended up with a small brush burns on the skin. I also love your rinse out conditioner in the coat of another Bichon (I had misplaced my leave in conditioner spray)."
Jamie Lund
The Silver Comb Pet Salon
"I received my intropack and while reading the literature; my interest and skepticism were peaked by your Blow Dry Conditioner. The claim that it cut drying time by as much as 50% was a little hard to believe, but I figured what the heck, I had to use it up anyway. On a normal day we average about one dog per person per hour. On this particular day we had 6 pets, one of which was a chow, so I was figuring on getting done around 2-3 pm. I guess you can imagine my surprise when we were calling the owner of the last dog at 1:15 pm! The Chow which I normally allow three hours for (most of that is drying time) was completely finished in one hour and forty five minutes! I plan to purchase the Blow Dry Conditioner by the gallon and pay for it by all the extra grooming I can do in a day! This stuff is great! I can't wait to try all the other goodies in my intro pack now!"
Tami Dille
Waggin' Tail
Huntington, WV
"My mom gave me a bottle of your EZ-Groom Leave In Conditioner to use on my Cat and I want to thank you for giving it to her! I have a very large, furry, orange Persian named Bear- Who generally hates to be groomed. So, while, I don't bath him myself, I gave the conditioner to my groomer to use. Both of us have been very pleased with how well it works on Bear's "unbearable hair"! Thanks you so much for sending it with my mom!"
Emily Sullivan
"A sweet lady came into our booth with the rest of her Bichon friends. She was very upset, as her dog in the ring looked yellow beside the rest of them. I smiled and said, you must use this product!! She purchased a bottle of Crystal White and went home to bath her dog. The next morning she came in all smiles and hugged me! She was sooo pleased with the results! A few moments later she came running past our booth and screamed in at us, She Won!!! Let's give credit to the shampoo! We have turned all of our customers off the other whitening shampoos we carried, and have switched them over to your product. Our sales on the other shampoo lines that have whitening lines have completely dropped off. We are in the midst of clearing out some of these lines now, as we believe so strongly in your product that we do not want to carry ones that are inferior."
Sharman & Hans Jorgensen
Needs n' Desires Ltd.
Show Dog Supplies
"I am a groomer that used to suffer from a rash so bad that I had to take time off work twice! After using your products, not only did my hands no break out anymore but they actually healed faster! That was years ago and I haven't had any problems since. My customers rave about how great their "babies" look and smell. In fact, one of my customers was so pleased with the results and the baby powder scent we used, that she recommended us to eight of her friends! Thank you so much for the added business and for giving groomers a better quality of products. I'd recommend them to anyone!"
Adrienne Hoffner
Doggie Dooz Pet Salon
Imlay City Michigan
Grow your business with EZ-Groom pet shampoo, grooming supplies, Crystal White Shampo, RazeR Shears, ZonicDog Ultrasonic tooth cleaner. Get the right look with professional grade supplies. Join thousands of other Groomers around the world who count on EZ-Groom's Products and Service.